A message from Audrey Epstein Reny: Join us for a small team gathering!

Dear Stepping Strong Marathon Team,

In an effort to spend time with more of you, Steven and I will be hosting small team gatherings at our home and virtually over the next few weeks. We hope you will be able to join us! Spots are almost gone!

Dinner and refreshments will be provided, but our table is small, and space is limited—so please RSVP to only one of the following four options. We look forward to seeing you soon!

  • Monday, February 5, 6:00 pm – RSVP
  • Tuesday, February 6, 6:00 pm – RSVP
  • Thursday, February 15, 6:00 pm – RSVP (virtual)
  • Tuesday, February 20, 6:00 pm – RSVP

If space is full for the gathering you wish to attend, please email marathonteam@bwh.harvard.edu to be added to the waitlist.

Warm wishes for a happy and healthy New Year!

XO Audrey