A message from the Reny Family

Hi Stepping Strong Teammates,

We hope you are getting excited for the 128th Boston Marathon – we are so excited to cheer you on!

We wanted to share with you the 2023-24 Stepping Strong Annual Report. This is a recap of all that we have accomplished from March 1, 2023-March 1, 2024 at The Gillian Reny Stepping Strong Center for Trauma Innovation, and there is so much to be proud of. The depth of our gratitude is beyond words, and, as you will see, we are making great strides to change the lives of trauma patients because of you, your supporters, and everyone who has become part of the Stepping Strong family. We hope that as an ambassador of the Stepping Strong Center, you will share the report with your network of supporters so they can learn more about what your marathon run is funding.

We also encourage you to read the latest Stepping Strong Center newsletter by clicking here!

Thank you for Stepping Strong with us. You are a part of this family for life!

xo Audrey, Steven, Danielle, Kyle, Gillian, and Matt