A Valentine’s Day message from the Reny family

Dear Stepping Strong Marathon Team,

This Valentine’s Day, we wanted to tell you how much we love your dedication and commitment to our cause. Our passion for supporting trauma survivors comes from our love for so many. First and foremost, our precious daughter, but also, the amazing physicians at the Brigham who saved her, cherished family and friends who helped us in our time of need, and our love for everyone who has joined the Stepping Strong family. So, thank you!

You are runners of all ages from around the world with incredible personal stories that brought you to our team, and we are inspired by each of you. With your gritty determination, you have made this year’s team one of our best yet. We are confident that if we all “Step Strong” together from now until April 21, everyone will cross their finish line with great pride in knowing that we have accomplished something extraordinary—as individuals and collectively for the benefit of others.

Wishing you an extra special Valentine’s Day and hope you get to spend it with your loved ones and the special people who are motivating you to train for your 26.2-mile journey in April.

With heartfelt gratitude and lots of love,  

Audrey, Steven, Danielle, Kyle, baby Elyse, Gillian, and Matt